

Whilst every effort will be made to keep the content on this website accurate and up to date, Living Well, our agents and employees, will not be liable for any loss or damage arising directly or indirectly from the possession, publication or use of or reliance on information obtained from this website and reserves the right to make changes without notice. Accordingly, all Living Well and third party information is provided “AS IS”. Nothing included or said on this website is meant to offend anyone in any way. If anyone is offended by anything on this website, we wish to apologise and ask that you contact us so that we can review that which has caused offence.

© 2024 Living Well International CIC. All right reserved. Living Well claims copyright ownership of which all rights are reserved, of all information on this website, unless expressly stated otherwise. Furthermore, no information on this website may be used for commercial purposes unless and until Living Well gives its written permission.

No permission is given to download and/or save any of the Images on this website for any reason. Images on this website are either the property of Living Well or have been commissioned/licensed from outside organisations that still retain their rights. Please note that models are used for some photographs and no indication should be assumed with regard to mental or physical health issues, substance abuse, criminal behaviour, sexual activity or preference.

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If you have any feedback about the website, please do not hesitate to let us know by completing the form on our Feedback page or by emailing us at info@livingwellcic.com