Women’s Health Fertility
Considering fertility treatment? Or worried that your medication and HIV might affect your fertility?
To put your mind to rest, we invited Professor Yvonne Gilleece, a Honorary Clinical Professor and Consultant in HIV Medicine & Sexual Health at Brighton & Sussex Medical School and University Hospitals Sussex NHS Trust to talk to us about HIV and fertility.
Professor Yvonne Gilleece trained in Dublin and London and is Honorary Clinical Professor and Consultant in HIV Medicine & Sexual Health at Brighton & Sussex Medical School and University Hospitals Sussex NHS Trust. She is a national and international leader on HIV in Women and is mediate past Chair of the BHIVA Pregnancy Guidelines, Chair of WAVE, Chair of SWIFT, promoting research in women living with HIV. She is currently the Honorary Secretary of BHIVA. She also specialises in HIV and Bone and HIV and Hepatitis Co-infection & Liver Dysfunction.
Event date: Sep 22, 2022
Event time: 18:30 – 20:00
Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87535109000?pwd=UWliWEpNaU1iTElZZkZCcUZGcG5Jdz09
Passcode: 997099
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